Results were mixed:
- Hooray, we've got page numbering
- In addition to page numbering we can also control the text appearance using the fonts menu
- hmmm, where did the covers go? (actually I did read about this happening)
- the third thing is more subtle and I only noticed that after reading about 30 pages of a chapter, closing the book and then trying to pick up where I had left off: while the chapter was correct, it always loaded the first page. The problem here is that I could no longer add annotations to the book.
A warning first:
- this work on the kobo touch with the 2.0 firmware
- While I've managed to get covers and annotations working I don't know if anything else broke
Give me my cover back
Recover annotations
Get lazy with scripting
Give me my cover back
The first thing I wanted to do was get rid of the ugly kobo generated covers. Even if the epub has a cover set after changing the extension to .kepub.epub the cover is no longer used and is replaced with some generated covers.In order to fix this you need to do the following:
- Assuming you cover is a jpeg file named mywonderfullcover.jpg
- you will need your cover in four sizes (you can also convert it to grayscale to reduce the size) and each one of this files needs to have a special name and the extension changed from .jpg to .parsed:
- "mywonderfullcover - N3_LIBRARY_FULL.parsed" - size: 355 x 530 pixels
- "mywonderfullcover - N3_LIBRARY_GRID.parsed" - size: 149 x 223 pixels
- "mywonderfullcover - N3_LIBRARY_LIST.parsed" - size: 60 x 90 pixels
- "mywonderfullcover - N3_LIBRARY_SHELF.parsed" - size: 40 x 60 pixels
- Connect you kobo and copy the files you created to the .kobo/images folder
- Next you'll need to update the sqlite database. The file can be found at .kobo/KoboReader.sqlite. I suggest making a back of this first. Open the database. I use SQLiteSpy but you can use any sqlite browser you like. Open up the content table and look for the row that contains your book name in the ContentID column and has the ContentType column set to 6. The ImageId column for this row should be empty. Set it to "mywonderfullcover".
- Save the changes and disconnect the reader
- In order for the cover to be detected you have to restart the reader (if anyone knows of another way of refreshing the data from the database please let me know)
Recover annotations
At first I thought that the annotations are kept somewhere in the database...I was wrong.I also tried putting the file in the .kobo/kepub folder and adding the required entried manually in the database but still there were no annotations although I did learn some stuff about the database structure while doing this
After doing a little more reading on the forums I found some opinions that there are some special javascripts involved so I opened a free book that I got from the kobo site. This also proved wrong but it did lead me in the correct direction.
There doesn't seem to be any javascript involved but, in looking at the html files it look like the html files inside the kepubs have some special tags inserted that allow annotations to be retrieved.
So what I did was open each html file and wrap the content of each top level h and p tags in a span tag with the id set to "kobo.[incremental_count]".1 where incrementa_count starts at 1 and goes as high as you need it to.
To illustrate this let's suppose you have the following insisde the body tag of your html:
<h1>Chapter</h1> <h2>SubChapter</h2> <p>some paragraph</p> <p>some other paragraph</p> <p>the last paragraph</p>
This would be changed to:
<h1><span id="kobo.1.1">Chapter</span></h1> <h2><span id="kobo.2.1">SubChapter</span></h2> <p><span id="kobo.3.1">some paragraph</span></p> <p><span id="kobo.4.1">some other paragraph</span></p> <p><span id="kobo.5.1">the last paragraph</span></p>
Upload your .kepub.epub back on the device and enjoy the freshly recovered annotations.
Get lazy with scripting
Automatic renaming using calibre
If you use calibre you can configure it to rename your file when uploading it to the reader by going to "Preferences->Sending books to device" and and adding ".kepub" at the end of the title template.Automatic photo shop script for updating images
If you use photoshop you can use the script below to automatically create and rename your cover files (save the code in a file with the extension set to .jsx). Just open your jpeg file in photoshop and go to File->Scripts->Browse and select the file where you saved the script code. Your original file will be left unchanged.#target photoshop main(); function main(){ if(!documents.length) return; var startRulerUnits = app.preferences.rulerUnits; app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS; var quality = 10 var doc = app.activeDocument; var Name =\.[^\.]+$/, ''); var Path = decodeURI(doc.path); var outFolder = Folder(Path);// +"/"+Name); if(!outFolder.exists) outFolder.create(); doc.changeMode(ChangeMode.GRAYSCALE); doc.bitsPerChannel = BitsPerChannelType.EIGHT createNamedSnapshot("Snap 1"); doc.resizeImage(355, 530, 96, ResampleMethod.BICUBIC); var saveFile = File(outFolder +"/"+Name+" - N3_LIBRARY_FULL.parsed"); SaveJPEG(saveFile,quality); var saveFile = File(outFolder +"/"+Name+" - N3_LIBRARY_FULL.jpeg"); SaveJPEG(saveFile,quality); revertNamedSnapshot("Snap 1"); doc.resizeImage(149, 223, 96, ResampleMethod.BICUBIC); var saveFile = File(outFolder +"/"+Name+" - N3_LIBRARY_GRID.parsed"); SaveJPEG(saveFile,quality); revertNamedSnapshot("Snap 1"); doc.resizeImage(60, 90, 96, ResampleMethod.BICUBIC); var saveFile = File(outFolder +"/"+Name+" - N3_LIBRARY_LIST.parsed"); SaveJPEG(saveFile,quality); revertNamedSnapshot("Snap 1"); doc.resizeImage(40, 60, 96, ResampleMethod.BICUBIC); var saveFile = File(outFolder +"/"+Name+" - N3_LIBRARY_SHELF.parsed"); SaveJPEG(saveFile,quality); app.activeDocument.close(SaveOptions.DONOTSAVECHANGES); app.preferences.rulerUnits = startRulerUnits; } function SaveJPEG(saveFile, jpegQuality){ jpgSaveOptions = new JPEGSaveOptions(); jpgSaveOptions.embedColorProfile = true; jpgSaveOptions.formatOptions = FormatOptions.STANDARDBASELINE; jpgSaveOptions.matte = MatteType.NONE; jpgSaveOptions.quality = jpegQuality; //1-12 activeDocument.saveAs(saveFile, jpgSaveOptions, true,Extension.LOWERCASE); } function createNamedSnapshot(name) { var desc = new ActionDescriptor(); var ref = new ActionReference(); ref.putClass( charIDToTypeID('SnpS') ); desc.putReference( charIDToTypeID('null'), ref ); var ref1 = new ActionReference(); ref1.putProperty( charIDToTypeID('HstS'), charIDToTypeID('CrnH') ); desc.putReference( charIDToTypeID('From'), ref1 ); desc.putString( charIDToTypeID('Nm '), name ); desc.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID('Usng'), charIDToTypeID('HstS'), charIDToTypeID('FllD') ); executeAction( charIDToTypeID('Mk '), desc, DialogModes.NO ); } function revertNamedSnapshot(name) { var desc = new ActionDescriptor(); var ref = new ActionReference(); ref.putName( charIDToTypeID('SnpS'), name ); desc.putReference( charIDToTypeID('null'), ref ); executeAction( charIDToTypeID('slct'), desc, DialogModes.NO ); }
Automatic kobofying
Now all that is fine but what if you don't want to spend twice as much time as is requred to read a book just to kobofy it.No worries, since I'm a little lazy myself I create the small python script bellow. In order to run it you need python 2.7 and BeautifulSoup installed.
In order to use it unpack your files to a folder, create file called inside that folder containing the code bellow and run it by calling "python".
Warning: this script was hastily put toghether so it has a few restrictions:
- It always adds the spans to h and p tags so don't run it multple times on the same file
- It only works on top level h and p tags so, for example, if your h and p tags are wrapped in a div or another tag it won't work.
import sys from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import re import os, os.path def altertags(soup): counter = 1 for tag in soup.body.find_all(re.compile("^(p|h)"), recursive=False): new_tag = soup.new_tag("span", id="kobo."+str(counter)+".1") counter = counter + 1 tag.wrap(new_tag) tag.unwrap() new_tag.wrap(tag) def parsefile(infile, outfile): soup = BeautifulSoup(open(infile)) altertags(soup) output = open(outfile,'w') output.write(str(soup)) output.close() if (len(sys.argv) > 2): infile = sys.argv[1] outfile = sys.argv[2] parsefile(infile, outfile) if (len(sys.argv) == 2): infile = sys.argv[1] parsefile(infile, infile) if (len(sys.argv) < 2): for file in os.listdir("."): if file.endswith("html"): parsefile(file, file)If someone can improve this please share.
I don't actually use this as it requires you to unpack the book, repack and so on and that's to much work for me so I just modified kiwidude's Modify Epub plugin for calibre to do this for me.
Well...that's about it. If anyone reads this and finds it useful feedback is always appreciated.